Kenmore / Lake Washington
Kenmore Air Headquarters is a seaplane hub on Lake Washington
Seattle - Victoria, B.C. flights from $169 pp/ow! Book your flight!
Located on the north shore of Lake Washington between Lake City and Bothell, Kenmore Air Harbor is the departure point for direct floatplane trips to the San Juan Islands, charter flights, and is the origin point for our Scenic Tours of Lake Washington and the San Juan Islands. The 5-acre campus is not only a hub for seaplane service but the site of Kenmore Air’s state-of-the-art machine shop and parts business.
Our headquarters is bordered by the Burke-Gilman Trail, a 27-mile path favored by bikers and joggers that runs all the way to Seattle. The city of Kenmore is nearby with a number of shops locally owned and operated. Woodinville — one of the region’s top wine destinations — is a short drive away.