Sweep her off her feet. Whisk him out of town. In just 24-hours, this romantic getaway will add that extra va va voom to your relationship.
Day 1
4:00 P.M. – Check-In & Unwind
Begin your getaway on island time with a slow check-in. Don’t just drop your bags in your room and rush back out again. Relax with each other for a moment. Check out the view…from the bed.
6:00 P.M. – Dinner at Coho
Located in the historic Craftsman House, Coho is known for showcasing the local bounty. Salmon, scallops, beef and pork are sourced from the Jones Family Farm on Lopez Island. Cheese comes from the nearby San Juan Island Cheese shop. A selection of local wines is available from San Juan Vineyards. This is an all local, all the time meal that won’t disappoint.
Day 2
10:00 A.M. – Breakfast
While I strongly recommend staying at one of the local bed and breakfasts where room service means you don’t have to think about clothes for at least another hour, I’d be remiss not to tell you about the Rocky Bay Café. This quaint breakfast spot serves up a variety of breakfast classics including a veggie omelet loaded with all the goodies you need to replenish yourself.
11:30 A.M. – Take a Stroll Through Town
Friday Harbor’s downtown is made up of a quaint collection of art galleries and boutiques where local artists display their work. If you’re a book enthusiast there are two stores you will love. Serendipity features a massive collection of used books. The trendier Griffin Bay Bookstore, features a variety of staff picks with thoughtful descriptions.