Happy National Dog Day

At Kenmore Air we love our four-legged family members.
When you stop by one of our terminals, a friendly wagging tail might greet you. We have quite a few pups that like to come put in a day’s work.
It’s not just on the dock that we love to spend time with our furry friends. Cats and dogs are also welcome aboard all Kenmore Air flights.
To maintain the comfort and safety of our passengers, we do maintain a limit of one pet per flight. Every pet must be harmless, inoffensive, odorless, and require not attention during transit.
Cats must travel in a small, soft side duffle bag. Dogs must be leashed. You can find the full details about our pet policy here.
And because it’s National Dog Day, we thought we’d introduce some of the Kenmore Air pups:
Years of Wisdom: 3
Owner: Gregg
Can Be Found: Waiting for Gregg to return from a flight to the San Juan Islands.
Years of Wisdom: 12
Owner: Mike
Can Be Found: Keeping Mike company in the welding shop.
Years of Wisdom: 2
Owner: Mike
Can Be Found: Wishing Tess wanted to play.
Years of Wisdom: 8
Owner: Leslie
Can Be Found: Begging Leslie to throw tennis balls.
Years of Wisdom: 3
Owner: Andrew
Can Be Found: Charming passengers at Lake Union.
Years of Wisdom: 9
Owner: Cindy
Can Be Found: Trying to wrangle a seaplane
Stella & Jack
Years of Wisdom: 8 & 7
Owner: Sarah
Can Be Found: Occasionally dropping by for a hello.
From the Past
Pictured here with Bob Munro is Chiisai, a beloved pup who came to the Munro family from Japan many years ago.